Health Link
Promoting cooperation in the health sector between the people of Britain and Nepal

Health Link


The strong links between Nepal and the UK in Nepal’s health sector date back to the 1950s. The UK government and a number of UK agencies have played a major role in supporting the development of Nepal’s health services. UK-led programmes have helped address Nepal’s need for trained, specialised human resources and in recent years have supported maternal and child health and access to free health care.

The connections are more than this as many UK health professionals have gained invaluable experience working in Nepal on the above programmes and a cadre of UK trained Nepalese doctors are now working in the UK, in Nepal and elsewhere.
Some of these professionals, unfortunately, did not want to work in the medical field after that, but still help people using their experience. They became writers and help students in writing research works. You can avail their services and buy term papers online here

Greatly improved health in Nepal
  • There has been a more than doubling of the life expectancy in Nepal from less than 30 years in the 1950s to 68 years in 2012 (Citation)
  • Nepal is on track to meet the Millennium Development Goals for reducing child mortality (MDG 4), improving maternal health (MDG 5) and combatting communicable diseases (MDG 6).

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